What Is the Process of Restoring Hardwood Floors?

Hardwood floors can appear modern and timeless, but homeowners might be unsure when it comes to maintaining hardwood floors. However, there may be situations where you realize that your hardwood floors are suffering from scuffs and scratches. This doesn’t send the right impression to guests, friends, or family members, but it’s fixable and can be done quickly.


The process of restoring hardwood floors doesn’t have to be complicated. Here is some information regarding how to think about restoring old hardwood floors. It should be noted that there are some situations where deeper scratches won’t disappear completely. This process is a quick one, and it only requires one day of work.

Buying the Right Kit


If you are serious about restoring old hardwood floors, it will be a small investment. You can find a refinishing kit for an affordable price, but many of them will go for about $100. It’s a good idea to spend some time researching the right refinishing kit, as the more affordable refinishing kits might not be as effective.


These kits can give your floors a new coat that can last for years. If you wax your hardwood floors, then you should avoid this particular method of restoring hardwood floors. This also applies if your floors have a wax finish.


Clear the Scene


One of the most important aspects of restoring old hardwood floors is something that you might not be thinking about: clearing out the entire room! Some people want to start restoring old hardwood floors without thinking of all of the objects around. This is something to do as soon as possible – move out all furniture, rugs, and items sitting on the floor. You will also require the following tools: a bucket, a paint tray, paintbrush, and a shop vacuum. Homeowners should also use an abrasive pad before restoring old hardwood floors.


The room should be cleaned as much as possible before you start restoring old hardwood floors. This not only means that the floor should be vacuumed – but it also means that windows should be closed to limit air movement, and curtains should be closed so that the sun doesn’t cause the finish to dry too quickly.


Final Steps


The next step is simple: you begin restoring hardwood floors by pouring liquid etcher to roughen the surface. The etcher should be mopped into the floor and it should also be firmly pressed on the hardwood floors. Work in sections so that the etcher doesn’t seep into the cracks on the floor.


Once it’s dry, you should be mopping the floor with dishwashing liquid and water. You should also work in sections since excessive water can damage your floor before you start restoring old hardwood floors. This cleaning should “neutralize” the etcher.


Here, apply the finish using as few strokes as possible and the accompanying applicator pad. You should consider applying two coats rather than one, because it may help when it comes to hiding deeper scratches. You can move your furniture back after about 24 hours of restoring hardwood floors.


Have more questions about restoring hardwood floors? Reach out to Atlanta Floor One, your experts on all things flooring and remodeling, at External link opens in new tab or windowour website or by calling 404-578-0926!