Engineered vs. Solid Wood Floors

Most flooring materials go through periods of being in or out of style, but one material that remains classic and elegant is hardwood. External link opens in new tab or windowHardwood floor installation service in Cumming is still popular because hardwood typically matches any style of home décor and it’s timeless and stylish. However, hardwood can be finicky in some respects and it can be costly as well. Engineered hardwood has emerged as a popular alternative to hardwood, but many homeowners are confused about the differences between the two and which will best fit their needs. Here’s what you need to know.


Engineered hardwood flooring Maintenance

The maintenance for each type of floor is very similar. The floor should regularly be swept or vacuumed and spot cleaned with a wet rag. Both types of floor should avoid being wet mopped, although you can use an approved cleaner with just a damp mop.


Either type of wood floor should be used with caution in kitchens and bathrooms because of the potential for water damage. Some engineered flooring can be used in the basement, but solid hardwood should never be used in the basement. Radiant heat can be used with most types of engineered hardwood. Some types of solid hardwood can also have radiant heat but the possibilities aren’t as extensive as with engineered wood.


A major difference between solid and engineered wood is the frequency with which you can have the floor sanded and refinished. Solid hardwood has thicker planks, so a External link opens in new tab or windowhardwood floor and sanding contractor in Cumming can be contacted frequently to refinish your floor. Engineered wood floors can only be sanded and refinished once or twice. The frequency depends on the thickness of the veneer, so that’s something to consider when choosing between engineered wood options.


To learn about the different options available for solid and engineered hardwood, contact Atlanta Floor One today.