A Deep Dive on Ceramic Tiles

At Atlanta Floor One, we know that the light against your kitchen wall, causing a glow and sparkle all at once, and a slippery feel against your hand; patterned or plain, square or diamond-shaped, ceramic tiles remain beautiful to behold and classy.
But what is ceramic tile and why does it call attention? Considering how often it’s causally talked about, it’s the one tile you’d want to have in your home.
Time has changed a lot of things, but something like your ceramic tiles have stayed too long unchanged, as far back as the Roman Empire.
It’s the oldest type of tile used in the home. They say great things start roughly. Ceramic tiles are made from clay that is formed, glazed, and baked. Now, it’s easier to make through dry pressing or dust pressing.
Fascinating, right? Perhaps you think your home is just fine without some glossy wall or floor. But beyond its glossy appearance, ceramic tile flooring offer homeowners’ numerous benefits.
Let’s take a look at them.
Benefits of Ceramic Tiles
Allergy control
Because of their hard surface, Ceramic tile flooring does not attract dust, dirt, hair, or pollens. This is unlike rugs that greatly attract these things. If you’re allergic to any of these, then these tiles are for you. With minimal cleaning, you can get rid of these particles in a jiffy.
Water resistance
With ceramic flooring tile, water doesn’t penetrate the subfloor. It’s also resistant to high humidity conditions, thus, making it ideal for moist environments. Your bathroom and kitchen can be the primary beneficiaries here.
These tiles are one of the most affordable flooring materials out there. However, installation can be quite pricey. At the end of the day, the quality of the tiles you go for and the installation costs determine how much they pull on your pockets. Expect to pay about $0.50 to $35 per square foot.
The days of scrubbing the floor with so much effort and with little result are long gone. Instead, you can put that energy into less stressful engagements. Running a mop along the tiled floor is rather easy and efficient. It can wipe off most stains, revealing a surface that looks as good as new.
Your ceramic tile flooring only requires regular cleaning. That is a good way to maintain it. Unless you want a clog of dirt blending into the beauty of your tiled floor, you should do the cleaning with a damp sponge or mop.
You won’t have to walk tenderly on your tiles for fear that they might crack because ceramic tiles are tough. With the right installation, it can last for up to 100 years and longer! If ever there’s an accidental crack, there’s always room for a replacement.
We’ve covered what is ceramic tile flooring, and if you’re interested in getting these beautiful tiles on your surfaces and you’re wondering how, we’ve got you covered.
You can count on Atlanta Floor One to get you the kind of floor fixtures suitable for your home. With over 19 years of experience in flooring and tile services, just about everything is possible with your floor.
Do you need laminate, tile, or hardwood flooring? Look no further for professionalism; instead, find it at 3164 Old Milton Parkway, Alpharetta, GA 30005. You can also reach out to us online at Atlanta Floor One or by calling 404-578-0926.