5 Reasons to Choose Laminate Floors

If you’re redoing your floors, one of the first steps is to choose what material you want to put in. There’s a long list of options available, with some materials working better for certain rooms or certain lifestyles. There’s no wrong answer; it’s all about what works best for you. But if you’re feeling a bit stuck in your decision, keep reading to learn why laminate flooring in Cumming just might be the right choice for you.

The Appearance of Hardwood

If you’re not sure what laminate flooring is, it’s a beautiful flooring option that mimics the look of hardwood floors. In fact, its appearance is so similar to hardwood that most people can’t tell the difference at a glance unless they’re well-versed in their flooring materials. This makes laminate flooring a great option to get that timeless look of hardwood in your home without the high price tag.

Costs Less

Speaking of price tags, that’s another benefit of choosing laminate. Laminate floors can cost significantly less than comparable hardwood floors. Good-quality laminate will cost about $3 per square foot, while hardwood of comparable quality will cost about $5 per square foot.

Of course, there’s a range in prices for any material, and you may be able to find some wood flooring for $3 a square foot; but this flooring is going to be the lower-quality material, and even if the price tag for the materials is about the same, that doesn’t take into account labor costs, which we’ll get into in the next section. The bottom line here is that if you want quality flooring that doesn’t break the bank, laminate is going to give you more bang for your buck than genuine hardwood.

Easier Installation

Laminate floors are also incredibly easy to install. It requires no special tools or glue to put together. In fact, many handy homeowners have installed their own laminate flooring, saving themselves a bundle on labor for floor installation. If you choose to have your floors professionally installed, the ease of installation will still provide you with another huge cost savings. On average, installation for laminate floors is about 50% less than the costs for installing hardwood.

Don’t Fear Moisture

While beautiful and durable, hardwood also can be quite fickle around moisture. Most contractors don’t recommend installing hardwood in bathrooms or basements because these moisture-rich environments can cause the materials to warp and crack. Even kitchens can be an iffy location for this type of flooring. But laminate, while mimicking the look of hardwood, doesn’t have that same fickleness to it. You can install this material in any environment without fearing possible moisture damage.

Less Scratching

Hardwood floors wear down beautifully over time. But they’re quite prone to scratches and dents that can be unsightly, and you may find yourself having to refinish your floors to get them to wear down evenly. Laminate flooring is much more scratch resistant, so you can let your pets run across the floors without fear of what their claws will do to the surface. Let your kids drag and push and roll their toys to their heart’s content—your laminate floors can take it.

If you’re interested in installing laminate floors in your home, contact Atlanta Floor One. We’re the best flooring contractor in Cumming, and we can get your beautiful new floors installed quickly and affordably. Give us a call today!