Signs You Should Replace Your Flooring

What gets walked all over all day and never complains about it? Your floors, of course! While they might not complain, after a few years (or decades) of heavy use, they can start to look a little sad. Sometimes floors can be refreshed, such as sanding and refinishing a solid hardwood floor. But other times, the floor has run its race and needs to be replaced.

How do you know if you should replace your flooring? Check out these helpful signs of old flooring here.


Uneven Flooring

Many types of floors can begin to buck and warp over time, though it is most common in wood flooring. This often happens as a result of moisture or water damage and it is never a good sign. Fixing this type of damage is nearly impossible without replacing the flooring outright.

The Floor Makes Noise

While it is normal for floors to settle and make noises once in a while, floors that make a lot of groaning noises or other odd sounds may be experiencing issues. A common reason for this is that the subfloor got wet at some point and is rotting away. The problem will only spread until it is addressed, and a wet subfloor is a breeding ground for dangerous mold and bacteria to flourish.

Stains and Excessive Scuff Marks

Most people freak out the most about spilling dark-colored juice or wine on a light-colored carpet. They immediately spring into action, trying to sop it up quickly to avoid a stain. However, carpeting isn’t the only kind of flooring that can stain. While hardwood, laminate, and even tile are all resistant to stains, you may start to see stains on very old floors. They can also fade in areas where they are exposed to sunlight.

You may be able to sand them out and refinish a solid hardwood floor, but there is little you can do for other flooring types and this is a sign it is time to redo the whole thing.

It’s Outdated

There are some styles of flooring that just scream the 90s, the 80s, or even farther back. If your flooring is one of them, it’s probably time to replace it. Even some styles of hardwood flooring, which is often touted as being timeless, are obvious blasts from the past. Rather than trying to work with it, an entire hardwood floor replacement may be in order.

Choosing Your Replacement Floors in Atlanta

The type of material that you choose for your new floor is often your main focus when picking out a new floor. However, who you choose to install it is actually more important. A fabulous new floor can quickly turn into a nightmare if it isn’t installed correctly.

Whether you’re looking to refinish or replace hardwood floors, or install laminate, tile, or other types of flooring in Atlanta, turn to Atlanta Floor One. With nearly two decades of experience, we know how to handle every flooring project from the simplest to the most complicated. External link opens in new tab or windowContact us today for your free quote!