Should I Get Porcelain, Ceramic, or Stone Tiling in My New Shower?

You’ve decided to build a new shower or renovate a current one, and your plans are grand. During your research, however, you’ve heard of three great materials you can use to line its floors and walls: porcelain, ceramic, and stone. Perhaps you don’t have a great idea of the difference between them yet and are looking for some more insight. Maybe you’re just looking for a good overview of the differences between the materials.


If either of these describes you, you’ve come to the right place. External link opens in new tab or windowAtlanta Floor One has your back when it comes to home renovations, and tile is one of our specialties. This guide will provide the information you need to make the best decision for your new shower, including the strengths and weaknesses of each of the different tile materials.

Stone — Unique and Timeless

If you’re looking for the most unique, one-of-a-kind look possible for your new shower, stone tiling is the way to go. Its natural, unrefined origins mean that every bathroom tiled with natural stone will have its own unique character, even when compared to other showers using a similar style and type of stone. It’s also highly durable, and with proper care will keep your new shower looking and feeling high-end for as long as you use it.


Speaking of care, proper maintenance is the main point of contention with stone. Stone requires unique attention when it comes to cleaning and protection. While it’s more durable than ceramic and almost as durable as porcelain, it is significantly more porous than the glazed versions of both of these other materials. Maintaining a consistent and regular cleaning schedule is a must with stone, and we strongly suggest regularly sealing your stone tiles. Depending on the type of stone, sealing can be needed as often as every six months to every three years. Despite that, natural stone tiling is worth the trouble for a truly unique and comfortable shower.


That covers the main differences between porcelain, ceramic, and stone tiling for your new shower. For a perfectly finished and refined renovation, or to go over more in-depth details on each material, reach out to us at External link opens in new tab or windowAtlanta Floor One! We’d love to work with you to create your perfect shower.