beautiful shower tile installation with white subway tile and green tile

When it comes to shower tile installation, it’s important to consider whether you have the skills and experience necessary for a successful outcome. Taking it on as a DIY project sounds enticing due to the common misconception that it’s not as costly.

This is why we compiled a list of not only when you should call in a professional, but what the benefits of doing so are.

Benefits of a DIY Shower Tile Installation

A successful DIY project can leave you feeling satisfied, knowing you completed it all by yourself with your own skill set.

As you may have guessed, the cost, depending on the materials bought, could be significantly less expensive, as you’ll waive the cost of labor. However, it’s worth considering the fact that the installation requires executed precision, as a mistake can be costly.

Benefits of Hiring a Professional Shower Tile Installer

Installing shower tiles is a high stakes project, and hiring a professional shower tile installer brings peace of mind knowing the job will be done correctly.

They have the experience and skills necessary to get the job done efficiently and with accuracy, avoiding costly mistakes. The skills required for this installation include the following:

  • Knowing which shower tile material and grout to use based on the shower’s environment
  • Measuring and cutting shower tiles correctly
  • Laying shower tiles in the correct pattern
  • Properly sealing shower tiles to avoid water damage.

Along with expertise, they also have access to higher quality materials and tools, resulting in a better finished product.

Signs You Should Call a Professional

Often, it’s easier to ignore the following signs because we believe we are more than capable and want to save money. However, take a moment to evaluate the potential cost of damage if a project isn’t done correctly – this risk is way more costly than the cost of hiring a professional shower tile installer to begin with.

You Don’t Have Enough Experience

When we DIY projects, it’s usually a first time experience. It’s not often you’ll feel the need to DIY shower tile installation regularly, as it’s generally not a repetitive occurrence.

Because of this, it’s a good idea to take a step back and decide if you have enough experience and knowledge to successfully complete the installation.

Lack of Tools

Installing shower tiles requires specific tools for proper measurement, cutting, and laying shower tiles. If you don’t have access or familiarity with these tools, it may be best to call in a professional shower tile installer – the time and money it takes to buy the tools and learn how to use them may not be worth it.

You’re Feeling Overwhelmed or Stressed

Tackling shower tile installation can feel overwhelming, especially if it’s your first time attempting a project of this magnitude. If you’re feeling stressed about this process, it’s best to call in a professional installer who can confidently and efficiently complete the job.

Stress can affect the integrity of the installation, and could ultimately result in shower tile damage.

Your Tile is Intricate or Delicate

Certain shower tiles, such as glass or marble, require specific skills and techniques for proper installation. Attempting to DIY with these materials can result in damage and a need to redo the project – making it more costly than it already is.

A Floor Installation Company You Can Trust

Atlanta Floor One specializes in shower tile installation, along with a variety of other flooring services. We have the experience and skills necessary to properly install shower tiles for a durable and long-lasting finish. Contact us for a free estimation today.